Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Leah is 9 weeks old. She weighs 10 pounds now! Many of her teeny baby clothes are too small !

Dan has 31 weeks left in his pediatric neurosurgery fellowship. He's coming home to spend Thanksgiving with us, so he only has a 3 day work-week this week! No one deserves a few days off more than he does!

This week's photo is Dan with Daniel. Dan's at work in the Misawa Air Base hospital's ER. We stopped in to visit him occasionally, and we definitely weren't the only people with kids hanging around. Some of the moms on our base realized that Dan was great with kids so they took their children to the ER to see him rather than going to the pediatrics clinic. These were the beginnings of where he finds himself today. We're so proud of him!

I think he secretly likes pediatrics for other reasons too. If he is a kid doc, he needs to know about stuff kids like, right? He has a free pass to play all of the new video games and watch all of the kid movies from now 'til he retires.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought Dan would be perfect in ped's of some sort. Remember how we met you all? Miranda fell and embedded teeth marks in the dresser....oh the memories. I am sure I have more coming my way!!
