Wednesday, December 29, 2010

there's a baby on the table

I can't believe how happy Luke looks in this picture, considering his sister's location.

Leah is a climber.
She's not our first climber - we remember Daniel climbing on the kitchen table a handful of times- but Leah has practically taken up residence there.

She dumps drinks. She sticks her hands in cereal bowls while her siblings try to eat. She spills entire boxes of crackers. Nothing is safe.

In related news, Leah's popularity with her siblings has taken a bit of a nosedive this Christmas vacation. ;)

Leah is also our first toddler (that we can recall...maybe we just have selective memory?) that likes to play in the toilet.

Team Fulkerson, buckle up! This may be a bumpy ride. :)

Christmas 2010

Leah and her "Beeebeee"

Amy's Grandpa Krou with five Fulkersons and a Dillow (Team Fulkerson's nephew/cousin).

Can you tell that our children love their cousin baby Max? The poor kid gets no peace!

Noah and Max

Leah insists on being thisclose to him all the time. :) Thankfully he's very mellow.

Yes, our tree looks exactly like you'd expect...lopsided angel, lower third completely empty, ornaments on the floor, and obviously decorated by the children.

I go to other people's homes to see pretty trees...we refer to this as our happy tree.

Noah, dressed as Joseph in the Sunday School Christmas program

Daniel and Leah, just because.

We have more thank-you notes to write and a whole lot of cleaning up to do...but it was a Christmas full of blessings. Team Fulkerson hopes you are enjoying the Christmas season as much as we are!


Our near-annual trek to JCPenney's photo studio yielded these shots this fall. We were happy (thrilled) to get some usable images, because as we all know the more people you add into the photo the more opportunity for disaster.

Time never stands still; in the month and a half since these were taken Emma's started wearing contact lenses, Noah lost a tooth, Luke gave himself a haircut and Leah has grown a little more hair.