Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Love it when the little bum goes up in the air!

Whoops, Monday came and went this week! Guess we'll have to settle for a Tuesday (or LOSTday, as we call it around here) post!

Dan has 122 days left in his fellowship!

Leah is 5 months old. She is not only a master roller, but now she's starting to inch and scoot to reach things. I have a strange love for this stage...such effort to go such a small distance. It reminds me of my attempts at rock climbing. It must be exhausting to be a baby! Maybe not as exhausting as being the mama, but still.

Have a great week, everyone!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Daniel, Noah and Emma - February 2005

129 days until Dan's fellowship is over!

Baby Leah is just a few days shy of being 5 months old!

Have a great week, everyone!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


We all know that surprises can come in all forms. I've learned to tread lightly around here as I never really know what's coming my way.

Example: I decided to put some peanut butter on a banana earlier. I take off the lid of the peanut butter and without really looking I stick the knife in. Something catches my eye. Upon closer inspection this is what I see.

No, I don't know how it got there.

I can guess, though.

Then there are good surprises.

Emma emerged from her art class today carrying this.

Cool, eh?
Also, Girl Scout cookies are here! I didn't think they would arrive until March...but we had some for dessert last night! Nothing better than the first thin mint of the season, is there? Thanks for the special delivery, Eve and Alyssa! ;)

My best surprise of the week is that Dan texted me to say that his last day at Texas Children's Hospital is Friday, June 25! That means that our countdown was shortened by FIVE DAYS!
You can imagine all of Team Fulkerson doing a happy dance in response to that news!

Everyone have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

are you lost?

I don't know about you, but at our house we're addicted to LOST.

I am embarrassed to say that although I've seen every episode I still don't understand some of the plot lines.

Even some of the major ones.

Like, for example, should I know at this point if the others are bad guys or good guys?

Did we ever find out why the giant statue only has four toes?

What happened to Claire? Where IS that girl?

This series has been going on for such a long time that I suspect some of these questions have been answered, but it was so long ago that I don't remember the answers.

Dan is the perfect person to watch Lost with because he not only remembers all of the subtle plot points but all of the faces, too. I don't know how many times someone appears in an episode and they're new to me...but Dan remembers them from six seasons ago and already knows their name. I'm lucky he's a patient person as he explains (and re-explains) what's happening. It's downright embarrassing.

The idea of watching Lost solo this season really ticked me off until I realized that I can still ask him annoying questions in real time...via text! During last week's premiere I could be seen frantically typing during all of the commercial breaks...

So is Locke bad now?

Is he Esau? Didn't we think he was Jacob last season?

Wait, how is he dead and alive simultaneously?

Why does Jack have a cut on his neck? Should I know that?

Yay, it's Charlie! I've missed Charlie.

If YOU understand what's going on, please feel free to fill me in.

Cross your fingers for Dan that he'll be home from work in time to watch.

Oh, and don't bother calling either of our cell phones on Tuesday nights.

We'll be busy.


countdown and Dan's birthday!

Dan, 6 months

Dan and his dad on the shore of Lake Michigan, 1972

Dan and his sister Jodi in front of the Hesburgh library, University of Notre Dame

Dan and Luke, rockin' this weekend

142 days until Dan moves home!

Dan was home for three days this weekend! We were celebrating his birthday (he was born in 1970 so it was one of those milestone birthdays...) AND we were excited about the Colts' Superbowl appearance. Even though a Colts win would have been a fantastic birthday present, it was a great blessing for Dan's visit to fall between two snowstorms. We were so glad to have him here!

We love you, Dan!

As for the Colts...there's always next year. :)

Tradition is to mention Leah. The poor girl has her first real winter illness right now. She's our first infant to ever vomit so hard that milk came out of her nose. I'm glad to say that only happened once. Once was plenty.

Have a great week,

Team Fulkerson

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Luke napping. In goggles. I have no idea why.

Dan moves home in 148 days!

Leah now rolls over the moment I put her down. And so it begins...