Monday, July 19, 2010


The weeks since Dan moved home have flown! We are loving every minute.

Dan's new work wardrobe :)

Our fourth of July tradition is driving downtown to watch the fireworks in Indy. Our friends tipped us off to the fabulous trick of letting the kids climb on top of the van - a pleasure they look forward to all year (thanks, Gills!). Luke didn't love the noise. He was thankful Daddy was home to hold him.

We had the chance to take the kids to an amusement park in Santa Claus, IN (yes, you read that right) called Holiday World. It's well-known in these parts for 1) being in the middle of nowhere, which says something if people from rural Indiana say it's in the middle of nowhere. 2) boasting rides and water slides for kids of all ages - a major plus for a family like ours with a wide age spread and 3) providing free soft drinks and sunscreen throughout the park. Yes, you read that right! The amount of Sierra Mist that Luke consumed by himself during our day there was probably worth the cost of his ticket. ;) Seven Fulkersons worth of sunscreen for an entire day? Score!

Some highlights:

Emma, Noah and Daniel . This IS Indiana, so the manger scene was just around the corner. :)
This seemed like a more appropriate photo op, though -- complete with signs warning us not to climb on Santa.

Noah was a great sport- he rode the smaller-kid rides with Luke all morning.

Dan with Luke, Leah, and our massive bag of gear. It's a good thing Holiday World doesn't charge fees for oversized, overweight baggage like the airlines do! It would certainly offset the free drinks and sunscreen.

Every July I subject the kids to a group photo. As expected, adding one more person adds to the challenge, especially when that person loves to arch her back and try to fling herself to the ground when someone tries to hold her still. We did the best we could, and we took a few individual shots too. You can kind of see the wiggling, even though these are still shots.

Emma, age 12

Luke, age 3
Leah, 9 months

Emma 12, Leah 9 mo, Luke 3, Daniel 10, Noah 7

one of MANY attempts. Photo day always makes me grouchy. Then when I remember that I can sometimes edit out non-compliant siblings I feel better.

Daniel and Leah

Emma, Daniel and Leah

Keep enjoying your summer! Team Fulkerson

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