Monday, November 8, 2010

san francisco

Dan had a work conference in San Francisco a few weeks ago. My mom was an absolute angel and kept all five kids for five nights so I could go with him. It was our first truly kid-free getaway since Emma's birth nearly 13 years ago.

It was awesome!

Dan went to class sessions and I wandered around. I love touring cities on foot. I walked around with my camera and had a fantastic time. We also took a bus tour to wine country for a day. It was so beautiful there!

These images are of Artesa and Silverado wineries, Napa

Look closely...olive trees! Hoosiers aren't used to that. In my experience they come in a jar or in a salad bowl at Olive Garden.

Below is Old St. Mary's Church, Chinatown

The streets of Chinatown made me feel like I was back in Japan. I know that isn't *right* but a general 'Asia' vibe was close enough to make me giddy!

We had a fab-u-lous dinner with Dan's coworkers here! Thanks, Shapiros! I went back the next morning so I could take a good picture in the daylight.

I took the bus (!) to the Haight-Ashbury area to see all of the hippie lore. This chess set was probably my favorite find...on the box it said, "Dude, whose turn is it again?"

Loved the hilly streets and houses thisclosetogether!
Dan in a park near our hotel

One of Dan's research papers was chosen to be a featured 'poster' at this meeting.

Silly me, I thought that meant there would be an actual poster with the abstract printed on it or something.

Turns out the attendees have to stand at computers and look at the posters digitally. Here's Dan with his 'poster.' :)

Our first night there Dan and I found a sushi place and darn near ordered everything on the menu! We always get outvoted when we want sushi for dinner at home. Yum-o!

streetcars running through the downtown - how cool is that?

Thanks to our brave Nana for our getaway!


  1. Amy, So glad you had a good getaway. I was wondering how your trip went. You deserved that trip! Y'all haven't changed much, but the kids sure have (next blog post). I can't believe how fast they are growing up. :) We did the birthday thing this week too, so I'm nostalgic and remembering Emma crawling around with the puppies and my girls afraid to touch her because she was a breakable baby. :) Look at Emma now. Wow.

  2. What a wonderful and very much deserved trip. A bit overdue...haha! James has had to do 2 poster presentations and they were actual physical boards. That's very cool he was a featured presenter. Great job Dan!
