Thursday, August 20, 2009

say what?

This story relates to yesterday's OB/GYN visit (see previous post).

I am the first to admit that my medical knowledge is minimal. I was an elementary education major in college, and my minor/concentration was a kindergarten endorsement (early childhood education classes). I never took anatomy and really only know a few basic things from living with Dan all of these years that he's been training.

When the doctor came into the room yesterday (not my doctor, but one of her partners) she noted immediately that I have an induction date scheduled already, with a question in her voice. Here's the following exchange.

Me: Yeah, we have it scheduled so hopefully my husband will be here. He's doing a fellowship in Texas this year.

Dr.: OH, what field?

Me: Pediatric neurosurgery.

Dr. : You must wonder what you were thinking, planning to be pregnant THIS year!

Me: Well, you know...we were planning to wait one more year but this is when God sent her so this is when she's coming! (I've delivered this response so many times it's automatic, even though to most people who ask I'd rather say IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, or THANKS FOR POINTING OUT OUR STUPIDITY.)

Dr.: Seems to me like maybe the neurosurgeon needs some neurosurgery of his own, if you know what I mean!

Me: Blank stare.

In my mind I'm trying to figure out what it is that she means...

Is it choice A) that it is so crazy to have another baby that my husband needs brain surgery?
B) that she thinks neurosurgeons perform vasectomies.

Dr.: You know, some neurosurgery for himself.

This doctor is about my mom's age -- I don't feel comfortable correcting her. Not knowing how to respond I just spill even more personal details about our plans for our procreative future.

Those of you who are medical professionals can feel free to clue me in...but when did the male reproductive parts become part of the neurological system?

Just something to ponder.

Happy Thursday to all!


  1. You are too nice. You should have said "because we hump like rabbits and our goal is to have an entire litter. No time for taking a year off regardless of where he's living." or some other equally crass thing as what she said to you.

    BTW-I am guessing she is referring to your husband's penis as his brain...Gotta love stupid jokes.

  2. I agree, I would have been as sarcastic as possible, "So tell me, what crawled up your *#% this morning." YOU don't have to be nice all the time!!! And to think this OB makes a living delivering babies...scary! I'm good at writing nasty letters now, want me to write one??
