Friday, November 6, 2009


I'm a real humbug about halloween. It's one of those 'holidays' that I consider not at all worth the hype and effort. Buying or making costumes for all of the about pressure! Remembering to buy pounds of candy that I then have to successfully hide until trick-or-treat day doesn't add to my serenity, either. All of this effort and expense to do what? 'Celebrate' morbidity and evil.


I know, I know. What a stick in the mud! I'm a huge scrooge about it... until it's actually time to trick-or-treat. When I see how excited the kids are it helps me remember how much I looked forward to the yearly ritual when I was little. For those two hours I actually think it's fun! This year Dan was home to hand out candy while Aunt Jodi, Emma and I walked up and down the street with the younger children. I was so thankful to have help!

Don't get me started, though, about the joys of monitoring the candy consumption of four children for weeks afterward. It makes me glad Leah doesn't have any teeth - yet.

Dumb holiday.

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