Sunday, December 20, 2009

what color is your belt? -or- one proud mama

Maybe the site of his birth had something to do with it - Daniel has always been excited about karate. He started taking classes when he was in preschool. He has had the goal of earning a black belt for years. (I've always thought it was cool for such little kids to be introduced to goal-setting! Think of the possibilities...)

Yesterday was Daniel's black belt test (junior black belt, first degree).

The history portion was administered firing-squad style - orally. The students were expected to know several typewritten pages of karate history, ranging from its origins to the lineage of Adamsons' karate dojos.

The physical conditioning portion of the test included 50 perfect-form push-ups. (Let that sink in...whoa.....). There were other exercises too, but none were as feared as the push-ups.

In front of a panel of about 30 black-belts, the students demonstrated seven different kata routines (the karate equivalent of a dance routine - each a minute or two long, it's a series of fluid poses to be performed with an attempt at perfect form). One of the katas included nunchucks, which you can imagine was not popular with mom for indoor practice!

The final portion was three forms of self-defense demonstrations. Could you quickly take down a series of 'attackers' that come at you one at a time? What if the guy chasing you has a club (made of foam, mercifully!)? What if there were three attackers coming at you at once? Add in the fact that the test had been going on for more than three hours before this portion even started. I was exhausted at that point and all I'd done was hold the baby and pray!

After months of spending both weekend afternoons in 3 hour-long boot camp classes (along with weeknight classes, seminars and independent study) we made the drive to Adamson's Karate dojo in Avon, IN. The test was a nerve-racking 4-plus hours long. Here are some photos...

(Photo below caption)

Daniel is visible in the near-left window as Shihan Adamson (in the dark suit) makes his way up and down the line asking history questions.

Action shot during a kata routine. Don't ask which one - I have no idea. I should, considering I'm the one who has driven Daniel to 99.8% of his karate classes over the years. The katas all have Japanese names. (Despite living in Japan I never learned more Japanese than what it took to say hello, excuse me and I'm very sorry thanks to our three small children at the time. )

Here Daniel stands in front of the panel of 30 black-belts awaiting judgment on one of his kata routines.

The big announcement is made - Daniel passed! They ALL passed this time around--how cool is that? It does NOT happen every time. Some of these kids have tested before - multiple times. What a feeling of elation (and relief!) filled the room!
The real, custom-made black belts -- complete with each child's name embriodered in Japanese kanji-- will arrive in a few weeks.

Daniel, Michael and Noah - these guys trained together, carpooled, and studied while we parents wondered when OUR black belts would be awarded for our time and trouble. Sensei Paul Adamson, who's been Daniel's Sensei since he graduated from the preshool program, is standing behind them. (He was awarded his sixth-degree black belt recently!)

Fantastic job, Daniel! If you can do THIS when you're nine, I'd say you don't have any excuse not to set goals and stick with them in the years to come!


  1. Yokudekimashita! Well done! You are truly super mom to support him through all this. Danny started tae kwon do this spring and just became a purple belt. I couldn't find a karate dojo with a good vibe around here, but the tae kwon do dojang is run by the second generation of Korean martial artists and has a very respectful vibe.

    I hope you and Team Fulkerson had a wonderful holiday with your newest precious member!

  2. I didn't see this before. What an incredible and amazing achievement! You must be bursting at the seams with pride!

    Ethan was missing Emma a couple days ago and asked if there was any chance you all would be moving here....
