Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Noah had been spinning around and blowing bubbles to entertain Luke. I caught him literally jumping for joy. That's a really 'Noah' thing to do so it's making the blog. :)

Noah's Valentine's Day assignment that has been waiting for me to post. I thought today would be a good day. :)

Emma and Leah, before the middle school bus comes. They like to have girl time before the boys wake.

This is Luke last weekend. While we were doing some lawn cleanup he discovered my empty-of-plants-but-still-full-of-dirt planters.

He also pounced on the unattended bottle of bubbles.

Bubbles + potting soil = the most fantastic mud ever.



and more art

YES that's our dining room chair. No, sadly, it doesn't look much worse than all of our other dining room chairs. We've already trashed one set of slipcovers.

Maybe I'll manage to buy, iron and install more before we host Easter lunch?

I doubt it. :)

I'm thankful for my mess-makers, my helpers, and all of their expressions of love.

Our love to all of YOU on this beautiful day,

Team Fulkerson

1 comment:

  1. Dear Team Fulkerson,

    Praying you have a blessed Easter! hope to hear from you soon!

    God bless!
    Huschak-Goodman family
